
Where has Goodness Gone? Shiva is us. Jai Jai Ma. ET is Here

Destruction of Goodness

We are depressed, we are saddened, we are somewhat powerless. Goodness is being destroyed. We are doing it ourselves. Many species are dying out. If you the reader do not feel bad about what I am talking about then stop reading and go buy some gasoline. I am not here for you. I am here for the people that feel like I do at least somewhat about the destruction of goodness that is happening in many ways. No one talks about it, instead we are controlled by the evil that destroys goodness. We are against others rather than supporting others. Here is something we can do about it. Try this. The God stuff is not required but the process is. The God stuff might help too.

Think thoughts like this, rather than condemning thought of each other: I am here or better yet, we are here for you, we are here to help you. What can we do for you? Do you understand? Intentionally changing our thought patterns creates goodness. It destroys the destruction, yes that is what I said, it destroyed the destruction. In other words, it created goodness. This is Shiva, my favorite myth. Shiva is a good protective father figure. He is never a jealous man. Shiva is the destroyer of evil. I love Shiva even if he is an imaginary God. The process I am telling you about is not imaginary. It is the real Shiva. It is our choice to destroy destruction by choosing goodness.  

I hope you feel the sadness from goodness being destroyed and I also hope you feel the rightness and hope from being Shiva destroyer of evil as described above. Oh, I am an atheist. Hinduism allows it. Here is a chant I learned. It is to the mother God. We call her Ma. The chant means victory to the divine Mother of humanity. Jai Jia Ma, Jai Jai Ma pause just a moment then repeat. Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma. Jai is pronounced like saying eye but with the J at first. Sometimes we pronounce it differently. Jaya Jaya Ma Jaya Jay Ma. Ma does not harm people, she helps people. 

We need to gather together to help each other, and we need to stop destroying each other. Stop blaming each other. We are here to help you not to harm you. Let go of the past. It is too late, it already happened. It is Ok. We only need to change the path of the future to a good path and we need to stop destroying goodness. Destroy the destruction instead by using goodness.