
We Victimize Unfair People

The people of an unfair God or ideology told us to surrender to them or their God and then we would not be victimized. We would no longer be the victim. We were extremely hurt by this. We were distraught. They wanted us to harm others. We could see no way out of that trap. With the World Fairness Agreement, we saw a way out of that trap. We saw a way to win against that unfairness.

We define what God is for us. Some of us are atheists. They do not define for us what God is and what everything else is. We decide. If we call it God or not is irrelevant. It is what it actually is. We sometimes call it the all-powerful all. It is divided between fairness and unfairness. The power of fairness and goodness has these attributes: Actual truth, fairness, power and unity. The power of unfairness or evil has these attributes: Deception and falsehood, unfairness, a lack of power, and division and strife.

God or Good is truth, fairness, power and unity. Evil is falsehood and lies, unfairness, a need for power it does not have and division and war

We are not the victims of unfairness people any longer now that we have the world fairness agreement with its totally inclusive unity and the power that comes from that unity. We can victimize unfair people with thoughts about them – by knowing about them and their unfairness. We can defeat unfair people with thoughts of truth, unity and fairness. We welcome them to join us and then the unfairness is gone.

We constantly think in this way: unfair people cannot harm us because of truth and unity. We can harm them with truth, fairness, power and unity. Everyone – including unfair people – is invited to join the way of fairness.

They don’t have much choice. We have them outnumbered and we have the power of unity and truth. We can convince them to join us, and they will be forgiven and honored. We all count the same. We protect them from anyone doing them wrong. We agree to not do anyone wrong. Victory is ours. We are everyone.

We were all victims of unfairness but no longer. The unfairness that happened to all of us was wrong.