
Whose side Are Extraterrestrials On?

Whose side Are Extraterrestrials On

We have personal evidence of aliens, ghosts, demons, guardian angels etc., but not too much objective evidence. It is possible there are beings here we have no evidence of whatsoever. If there are unknown beings with more power than anything else here in our reality, which side do you think they would be on? I will bet you a nickel that they are on the side of fairness for all. I am saying, humans and any other beings would be stupid to fight against the fairness agreement.

As a result of this logic, I am being told telepathically that I won the argument that went on yesterday and last night and that the adversarial beings are convinced to help the supporters of the Fairness Agreement. They concede there could be powerful beings here that they do not know about. It would be stupid to be unfair to others that are fair, do you agree?

I will say that all beings that are fair won the war.