
How to Not Be Harmed

Nothing is invincible

I can talk to the mind of Extraterrestrials. They can protect us from unfairness. 

How to stop others from harming you. If you think the thief harmed you then the thief did harm you. If you think the thief did not harm you then the thief did not harm you. We have this simple way to not be harmed by others. If you think the thief harmed herself then the thief did harm herself. What we think is very powerful. It is important to see yourself as being nothing. Nothing is invincible. If someone tries to harm me, they cannot because I am not anything. When I am nothing, I am the all powerful all  by default. All that is is one invincible indestructible oneness.

Practice being nothing and doing nothing. Then the things you choose to do and think will be powerful. Not thinking is powerful. Meditate by not thinking and not existing.

When you are in this state of being, you are the all powerful all. Everything gets done perfectly.

This is how we stop our unfair mind from hurting itself.

Be grateful for ET doing the correct action while we are doing no action. ET is doing things in the mind of others. When we are doing nothing, the things ET does in our mind are wonderful. All our pain and discomfort is nothing.

Have you ever seen Chinese handcuffs. This is the way we are with the world. When we do nothing the handcuffs fall off.