
The Way of Fairness Explained. It is an Instruction and Devotional Practice using a Telepathic Connection with Extraterrestrials or God.


You do not need to do anything. You are welcome here with us. You are completely accepted as you are. We care about you and about what is happening to you that is unfair to you and yours.

You can’t get where you need to be if you’re on the wrong road to get there. First, you need to get on the road that does get you where you need to be. We need to be in Fairness Awareness

What follows is a list of thought affirmations and practices we do on a daily basis to keep our minds on the path of Fairness Awareness

We are protected from unfair people by the way of fairness.

We do not do anyone wrong.

We will not think any unfair thoughts about anyone.

If anyone does us wrong, they harm themselves but not us.

We are protected from unfairness.

The Way of Fairness Explained.

This will be implemented worldwide on “Fairness Transition Day”. This post will be updated and corrected and more will be added to it in order to make it complete. It will not require many words to do so. Do not complicate this. We definitely do not want a book. The whole thing can be described in this one sentence: “Everyone is required to be fair.” Please reread to see what is new since you last read it. I have added some more to the end that needed to be written down in order to be complete. What else is missing? Let me know. This is your way of fairness just as much as it is my way of fairness. We all count the same in the way of fairness. Who is it that rules you now. Are they going to harm you if you lose power or control? We will not let that happen. That would not be fair. This benefits the rulers and controllers as much as it benefits everyone else. Everyone will be a hero and will be loved for being choosing fairness for us. Don’t worry Mr. Trump. Don’t worry Mr. Putin and so forth.

It is a way to save ourselves from ourselves. Everyone needs to understand how we destroy ourselves with division that happens from unfairness and its consequential conflict. We must create fairness -truth -unity, ASP to save ourselves. Understanding this is the most important advancement in human and alien consciousness – awareness ever. It is a Merging of extraterrestrials with Earth. We are now an alliance of fair minds to stop unfair minds. This is the attainment of joint fairness consciousness. This is a technique to save ourselves, from ourselves. My name is Steven Childs. May I serve you? No one wants to be done wrong. Help us get the idea across to everyone that unfairness should never happen to anyone. We protect each other from unfairness. It is the cause of unhappiness, hatred, conflict, crime, worst, suicide and 

depression. First, join forces to convince everyone to be fair to everyone. Anyone not agreeing to not do as wrong is shunned and condemned as wrong and must leave. Everyone agreeing is honored, forgiven and given mercy and we don’t care about their past, but not until they agree. We are host to our heavenly friends. This is a social agreement everyone must agree to. This is the most important and valuable work of all, to get the entire world to agree and join together to stop unfairness. Everyone knows what is unfair to them. We join forces to end unfairness to you and your people. Together we can put an end to unfairness. To solve all people problems, look where the unfairness is. We Need everyone’s help. You are welcome. 

The Greatest Power.

The greatest power comes from fairness and never from unfairness. It comes from unity and never from division. It comes from truth and never from falsehood. It comes from serving others. It never comes from exploiting others. It comes from one human unified tribe with all differences included equally. It never comes from dominating others. It comes from caring about everyone and never comes from caring only about yourself.

Is it God or Not God?

Is it God or is it the all-powerful all? I am an evidence person not a faith person. You can be a faith person. We have evidence from observation that all of reality is one unified totality and it is not separated one thing from another. There is no separation. Did the highest form of mind in reality exist before physicality existed or did it emerge from the no mind cosmos? I do not really care either way. There is a fact to it, and we don’t know what the fact is. We may never know.

Everything that is, is one and therefore has all power. This is where we get our God ideas from, I suppose. The most powerful alien beings of this oneness are what we serve and ask for help from. I am an atheist, a spiritual atheist. You do not need to be atheist. These most powerful beings also serve and are devoted to truth and fairness and the all-powerful all. We are devoted to each other. Everyone counts the same.

Those who serve fairness and truth will win and see a great creation happen. Those who serve unfairness and falsehood will see a great destruction. Fairness and truth always win. Fairness and truth are what we are devoted to. We are devoted to the actual truth that is the foundation for what I am saying even though my words are not accurate. There is a fact to our reality. It is not falsehood. It is truth. Truth is what you did yesterday and who you did it with. Your past is secret if you agree to be fair to us. Our past is not what matters. What we do now is what matters. Because we are fair and devoted to actual truth, we are protected from unfairness. People that do us wrong with unfairness only harm themselves. They become despicable wicked people. We only become more powerful by being devoted to truth and fairness for all. We strive to convince the unfair people of lies to stop being unfair and join us in devotion to actual truth and fairness. We have no enemies. We have no need of enemies.

What follows is a list of thought affirmations and practices we do on a daily basis to keep our minds on the path of Fairness Awareness

We are protected from unfair people by the way of fairness.

We do not do anyone wrong.

We will not think any unfair thoughts about anyone.

If anyone does us wrong, they harm themselves but not us.

We are protected from unfairness.

We have acquired personal experiences of a telepathic nature in which the high frequency extraterrestrials are – and always have been – aware of our thoughts. Prayer is based on the assumption that the Gods can hear telepathically what you are praying. People that believe in God assume that God knows what is happening to them and their loved ones. If ET can hear our thoughts telepathically, then ET heard you when you read the affirmations and practices in the above paragraph Now read them again and read them several times a day so ET or God can start protecting you. ET or God locates you and you become important to ET or God. Say them vocally for even more connection to happen.

Religions are based on mythological Gods for the most part. This practice of “The Way of Fairness” is based on what we believe to be actual truth from evidence and as we get better evidence our beliefs are updated with no difficulty.

I was told yesterday telepathically from ET that ET is going to help us in this Way of Fairness teaching and devotional practice. Now read the affirmations one more time. This is like knocking on ET or Gods door, so ET or God knows you want help. You can ask ET or God to protect your secret past. ET can hide our mind from evil.

Their God will not win and rule us, fairness wins and rules us. Also, your God does not and rule them, fairness wins and rules them. ET does not win and rule us, fairness wins and rules us. If you are a Christian the bad news is Jesus does not win and rule the world, fairness wins and rules the world. If you are a Christian the good news is, Allah does no win and rule you, fairness wins and rules you. This applies to all the religions and all the Gods of those religions. This applies to communism and capitalism and on and on.

By doing this the present powers, rulers, religions and governments do not get taken over they instead all become fair to everyone. Everyone helps everyone. Everyone serves everyone.

Actually, everyone wins because we have solved our human unfairness problem. All the people and rulers are forgiven for their past and everyone starts fresh by being fair to everyone. We stop putting so much effort into punishment and instead focus on assisting everyone in implementing fairness for all. Compare the two different “ways” of our world. There is the current way of the world we call it “the way of unfairness” and then there is the new way of the world we call it “the way of fairness”

Please ask questions about making this happen. Why won’t it work and so forth and what about the problem issues. I will respond to you question in a fair way. If you have an idea to help the way of fairness happen your idea is looked at in a fair way. We are here to help each other in the way of fairness. In the way of unfairness, we are here to harm others. Most of us have not been fair to each other. I do not win. I do not rule. Fairness wins and rules me. This is a beautiful thing.

I have more explanation in the archives and everything we need to say needs to be placed in this opening post. Help me make it complete it. I might die or become too week to continue soon. I am getting old, and I have some health issues. This is a very simple idea and practice. being spiritual is not required., being fair is required. Being fair is required for spiritual people too. Everyone is required to be fair. Share this plan with the world. Everyone counts the same worldwide. We are all on the same small planet. We will not need or have enemies anymore.

I think I have already thought of every problem but maybe not.

We are all potentially unfair. We have been unfair before. We are ruled by law. The law exists so no one can do us wrong. The law of the land is not very effective at establishing justice for all. Justice for all is fairness for all. We do not get a choice. We are required to be rules by the law of the land. There are no exceptions. Everyone is rules by the law of the land.

Imagine several of us live in the same house. We agree that we all have to be fair to each other. One person does not want to agree to be fair to us. This person has done us wrong before. We decide to tell him he must agree to be fair, or he cannot stay here with us. Or if he does stay, we will punish him until he agrees to be fair to us. We have already agreed to be fair to everyone and he also must agree or be punished until he agrees. When he agrees he is deeply honored and forgiven of everything he did wrong to us in the past.

This is like how it is for us. We are all in the same world. There is nowhere else to go. This is why we of the way of fairness require that everyone agree to be fair to everyone. If anyone is not being fair to everyone, they ham everyone. They ruin our lives with their unfairness of others. Everyone should be involved because it affects us all. If everyone agrees to be fair it becomes easy to solve conflicts.

Our present law of the land is overly complex. There is actually no need of written laws that bind us to them. The law of fairness is better. If a person has a complaint of unfairness and that person has already agreed to be fair. The situation is described to the judge. They all agree to come up with a fair solution. Maybe more people need to be involved to decide what is fair. The way it is now we waste too much time and money determining justice. It is not working.

With the way of fairness if someone needs help with money, we help them. They are helped with getting a job. The place of employment is a safe place where everyone is required to be fair to everyone. Bullying is unfair and not allowed. Ganging up on a person is unfair and not allowed. Our law of the land does not do anything to help. The law of fairness is all about getting everyone help and not allowing anyone to be done wrong by anyone or group or religion or government etc. It is based on the idea that everyone is required to be fair and to agree to be fair or they will be punished until they are fair and agree to be fair. We want them to agree right now so they will be honored and forgiven and there will be no punishment. If someone does wrong to someone, they try to make it up – to pay them back – in some way. No one is allowed to be unfair to anyone. We are all on the same small planet. We are creating a disaster. The way of fairness will solve this problem. In the way of fairness everyone wants to help everyone because everyone cares about everyone. Imagine an issue where someone does someone wrong and the court solves the problem with the way of fairness. In normal conditions people are very sorry for doing someone wrong. Our world of unfairness has made us all cruel. Even Religions make people cruel and hate each other. In the way of fairness, the only sin is unfairness. The only morality is fairness. We will all be on the same page. We will all be under the same simple rule of fairness. There will be only one God or one “all-powerful all” depending on whether it has a mind or if cosmos happen without any minds in existence until later when they evolved from mindless materials. There is only one totality of reality. So, we can all be fair to each other regardless of what God is or if there is one. We may never know. If your alleged God and religion claims, we should be in hell for not surrendering to it that is unfair to us. Unfair beliefs and unfair thoughts about others are not acceptable. We must use evidence of truth to determine belief, or we are lost and blind on the edge of a cliff about to fall off when all we need to do is take the blindfold off. We might not know exactly where the edge is, but we can tell close enough to not fall off the edge. Let’s not let religion destroy us. It is unfair that religions cause grief and suffering by setting us against each other.

What good is awakening to a higher state of mind or worshipping God if we don’t stop the destructive unfairness that wounds us all?

Our Fairness based on evidence is more powerful than their faith in unfair alleged Gods. There may not be a creator God -infinitely powerful and all knowing, but there is the divine minds of truth and fairness that were evolved from mindlessness that was here in the beginning. We have evidence of evolution. I believe truth has all power whatever it is, and we may never know all. Hopefully we know enough to stop self-destructing.

After Fairness Transition happens, we will be capable of self-correcting anything that is not working well. We will all be of a different mindset. Everyone will want to help make everything work.

When some industry or occupation is replaced by another or no longer needed. We cooperatively Build a facility that is needed and train the people that are now out of work to make the new facility work. People are paid to get along with everyone and to do whatever needs to be done. Our lives would be quite different than the hateful unfair way we do things now. None of this will be done by force. It will all be accomplished with a wonderful cooperation of people helping people.