
Why The Way of Fairness

The Way of Fairness will solve all human problems involving unfairness from each other. Just make a list of human failings.

Examples: Wars, unfair Religions, unfair governments, unfair corporations, poverty, crime, corruption, unfair people, unfair laws.

Transition Day is when we get everyone to agree to stop being unfair. We can stop global destruction that we cause ourselves – global warming, over population, depression, suicide, hopelessness – all these and more can be stopped

If we do not implement The Way of Fairness, we will have more of the same that we have now. There is no reason why we cannot change from an unfair humanity to a fair humanity by getting everyone to make the agreement to stop doing others wrong.

When we agree we are forgiven by each other, and we give everyone the right to privacy and secrecy. We do not punish those who agree. We honor those who agree. Our past is irrelevant and is forgiven

Imagine we get the world to agree, and we have it set up on Transition Day. Putin is let off for supporting and practicing fairness to others and to his own people. The wars are all a thing of the past. Trump is let off just as Putin. All wealthy powerful people are let off for changing out world to a world of fairness. For making it happen they are not prosecuted and instead are forgiven just like everyone else.

For those that insist on being unfair we have laws and ways to punish them. What is the purpose of law? If it is not to create justice for all then it is a failed system. Justice and fairness can be seen as the same thing. All of our laws must be about creating and enforcing fairness from everyone and fairness for everyone.

Our religions and philosophies are not creating good people. They are not stopping unfairness. They have many varying moral orders. There is conflict between which moral order. I argue the only immorality is unfairness. With this philosophy we can achieve unity.