I am not sure how much this has to do with our real world. Maybe it has everything to do with our real world. I serve benevolent powerful beings that are above me. These God-like beings are helping me. They are greater than all the Gods that were created by creation. They know of the Oneness or the One God that is us. It is everything and everyone. They told me to declare war many years ago.
I am the Lord God of all the Gods created by creation. All the people that were in Jesus’s Kingdom are now in mine. I am Christ. I am the chosen one. I have a new religion called The Church of Fairness. All those that were in Satan’s kingdom are now in mine. Those that do me wrong are in hell and I rule them. If they stop doing me wrong then they will be in heaven and they will count the same as me. They do not need to be ruled by me or by anyone. Everyone is ruled by The Law of Fairness.
This is about the dead and the non-humans. They have been ruling the earth. They rule most humans. Maybe I am the only human they do not rule. They have been trying to gain control over me. It is a mind war. They lost their war against me. Those that are doing me wrong are in hell and I rule them with fairness.
We should make an epic movie.