
Instructions – Church of Fairness – Understand What God is

Here is a way that works for the entire world and everyone is forgiven.

Instructions – Church of Fairness or Team Fairness

All that is, all that was, and all that will be, is the One. There is nothing else. There is only the One that is everything. There are no separate things from the One. The One did not create us. It is us. The One has no creator. This is true nonduality. Therefore, we give all we are to the one because it is already what we are. Our separateness is an illusion. There are powerful benevolent servants of the One. We ask them for help with our difficulties. We ask them if we can help them also. Those that had victory over us will be defeated. The various groups of people have a collective mind, and they worship various Gods. Devotion to these Gods, whether Shiva, Shakti, Mother Mary, Christ Baphomet, etc. is a way to connect to the power of the One. The myths connect us to real power. Those that did us wrong will be taught a better way of being. The 3 practices of the Church of Fairness that get us to the highest heaven are We don’t do anyone wrong. We care about everyone. If we do someone wrong, we tell them sorry and ask for their forgiveness. People don’t need punishment so much as they need instruction. They need to be taught. Discipline is about learning a better way. It is not about being whipped. In this state of awareness of a higher consciousness – a higher vibration – there is no separation of heaven and hell. All is One and One is all.

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