
A More Powerful Way to Connect to the All Powerful

Atheist and Satanist compatible You can call it Satan instead of God, or you can call it the all-powerful One Everything. Obviously, we have a problem here. The fight continues…

Creation is one thing, it is all powerful, and it is real. Gods might be imaginary, but the people united by an imaginary God are real. The God of Team Fairness/Church of Fairness is the all-powerful creation. It is real. Creation created the Gods that are real – Some Gods Oppose each other. Creation is unified. Creation is all powerful. Perhaps God did not create us. Perhaps Mind evolved from no mind. Reality is one thing with or without mind. Mind is not necessary for creation to exist. Or perhaps, Creation is all knowing and conscious. We don’t care either way. The first creation story is from the Rig Veda. It explains that creation created the Gods and maybe no one knows where it came from.

Hopefully these ideas will work for you and become your idea of truth also. 

Thinking causes all of our problems and also all of our solutions. If you have a problem, it is because you are not thinking right. Wrong thinking is like having the cart in front of the horse. The horse must be in front of the cart so it can make the cart move.

We don’t create reality. Only God does. We cannot change God. We can change our reality with actions. There are human servants of God and there are powerful – non-human – servants of God. Non Human servants of God can change reality with actions in a big way. They empower us to be able to change reality with our thoughts as well as with our actions. Either the non-human servants of God created our reality as a simulation, that they can alter as if it is a video game, or they have the ability to alter our reality, as if it is a video game.

God created reality within God. God did not create reality outside of God. There is not anything outside of God. God is everything and everyone. God doesn’t need you to surrender to God. Instead surrender to the idea that God is you. God is you and always has been and always will be. It is you that fights against God by not accepting that God is everything that happened and everything that is happening and God will be whatever happens in the future. God is everyone. God is our goodness and our evil. 

Team Fairness is a servant of God. Become a servant of God also. Servants of God choose to not do anyone wrong and to care about everyone. We depend on God’s creation. We depend on the servants of God. When you’re having some difficulty ask for the servants of God to help you. We are grateful for the servants of God. 

People that don’t understand God’s way of fairness sometimes try to force us into surrendering to them. They are not servants of God. They are not asking for the servants of God to help them with their difficulty. They are trying to be God themselves. It is not possible. God is already them and God is everything they are doing. 

God is a singularity. There are not different God’s that fight each other. God is the people that are fair to each other and God is the people that do others wrong. God is Jesus and God is Satan. We cannot change God. God is the only thing that never changes. Jesus and Satan can change, but not God. It is not possible to defeat God. 

Whatever is going on it is God doing it so be totally alright with it. We ask for help with it from God’s servants. We are also God’s servant to help with it. In this way we are not fighting against anything because we know the victory will be God’s. 

We have all done others wrong in the past. We all have issues in the past that trouble us. Correct thinking will unburden us with the past. It will no longer trouble us. By using this God thinking I described, all issues past or present are resolved. Everything that happened in the past was God.

Did God have intelligence in the beginning or did intelligence evolve from biological evolution? We do not care either way. We look for evidence of things. We ask a servant of God for help with the opinions of others. After all God is doing what they do and say. We don’t fight against anything. Servants of God are here to help with the conflict. They will make it go away. We can just think, whatever. God is us. We don’t exist. The problem doesn’t exist. Only God exists. 

Imagine that there is a person with a knife that tells us we are wrong. Only God exists. Whatever will be will be. God is the person with the knife and also the knife. God is also the policeman that finds out about the person with the knife. God is the gun that the policeman has. God is the handcuffs on the hands of the person that had the knife. How can someone tell us that we are wrong? We don’t exist. Only God exists. 

Wrong thinking causes our problems. A silent, no thought mind stops the wrong thinking. Just stop thinking. Inspiration will come. 

Sometimes it seems the only way to stop others from doing us wrong is to affirm that if they do us wrong they are going to get hurt. You can simply think the thought or you can even tell the other with words, directly or with a message. We can explain that it will be a servant of God that actually gives them pain or an unpleasant smell or taste. It might make them faint. It may even end their life. If I am extremely disturbed by their wrong doing, I imagine hurting them myself. We can even imagine ending their life. Some people seem desperate to put us under their control. They will lie to us trying to control us. We do not need to accept this. Stay friends. Try to convince them to become a servant of God also. When they agree to not do you wrong and to care about you they are completely forgiven and all their guilt is erased. 

For more on this please read The World Fairness Agreement. 

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