
The Highest Spiritual Teaching

The highest spiritual teaching is that you are not the body and not the mind and that you are God or Brahma etc. If you say you are Allah or Jehovah, you might get killed for blasphemy. But what I believe may get you killed also. It won’t though, because powerful beings we cannot see are protecting me and Team Fairness. The all-powerful One is on our side.

I think the highest spiritual teaching we are told about is wrong. It is based on something imaginary. We know something created our world, our universe, and ourselves. Then, what is the creator? What is the real God that blesses us for worshipping? What is the real God that we benefit from because of our devotion? What is the actual truth of this issue that saves us from a hellish world? Its The World Fairness Agreement that will save us. This is what we worship and devote ourselves to, as well as to the actual cause of our existence. 

Yes, but what is the truth of our existence and of the cause of it? It is the unintelligent all powerful energy that causes the universe to burst into existence. It’s the process of biological evolution that created consciousness and ourselves. It is the one thing that is everything. The all powerful energy is what we are. God is us but we are not God. Because God is what we are, it is true we are not our body and mind. God is our body and mind. God is our soul. It has been called the supersoul. The idea that we are God is not true. It is true that God is us. There is an important difference we need to understand. We do not have a separate existence. We are not the “all that is” – but because it is one indivisibility, it is us. There are no separate things. God is you but you are not God. No one is God. God is everyone. None of the mythological Gods are God. However, God is the mythological Gods but they are not God. They are fictional stories pointing us to the actual truth that I explained here. You can disagree all you want. 

We can continue to worship or devote ourselves to the mythological Gods knowing that the actual God is these stories. 

God is also the Devil that is lying to us and tempting us to do others wrong. God is the murderer and God is the saint. 

It is up to us to stop evil from winning. We ask God to send us help to stop others from doing us wrong and to defeat evil. We do not need to get angry anymore or force things. Help will come to us. We only need to choose to not do others wrong and we need to choose to care about everyone, even those that are doing us wrong. Perhaps they will change and be the ones that save our lives. God has always been us and always will be us and God has always been them too. God is eternal and we are safe and protected within God. The drama of our birth and death are within God from the beginning.  

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