They can try to rule us, but no one actually rules over us. God does not need to rule us because God is already us. If you try to enslave us or defeat us by killing us, we will kill you first if we can. We can simply curse you for doing us wrong. Your punishment will bring you back to right mindedness. We will convince you to become good people like us. Why are you trying to control us? Why do you refuse to stop doing us wrong?
You must agree to not do us wrong. We agree to not do you wrong. No one rules over anyone. We have the Law of Fairness that rules all. We are ruled by law, not by a people that conquers us.
The Romans killed and defeated the Cathars with Catholicism because the Cathars refused to be ruled by the Catholics. They ruled Jews too with Christianity. The Jews said they rule over Palestinians because Jews say Palestinians have the wrong Religion. Islam wants to destroy all Jews. Christians say all people will surrender to Jesus as their Lord. We still fight this war of one people trying to rule over another, by claiming their belief is the right belief. An Atheistic people – like Communism – could try to rule us and say that Gods do not exist. One people ruling and killing another needs to stop.
Consciousness is the “I am.” When consciousness emerged in an unconscious field called the universe. Consciousness – the I am – mistakenly thought of itself as separate from the one thing that cannot be separate things, because it is not separate things. It is one indivisible thing. We mistakenly see ourselves as a separate thing. Actually, there are no individuals. Our perception is not right. We don’t think right. Actually, everything is everything else. We are the earth and the earth is us. But we wrongly do not see it this way. God – the all-powerful indivisible oneness – is directly us whether we have a religion or not. We do not need to call it God the creator of all. We don’t believe it had consciousness until consciousness emerged from and within it. It is our consciousness. There is not anything that it is not.
Who taught us to pray in the name of Jesus? Who taught us to surrender to a person? Was it aliens that have no material body and they use our mind and body? Was it a human that convinced everyone to surrender to him – claiming he is God? Was it a gang wanting to rule us by using the God idea, that convinced everyone to surrender to them and pray to them in the name of Jesus, or we would burn in hell by an imaginary God. Also, the Jesus gang would kill us if we refused to surrender to them and their beliefs.
Never pray in the name of anyone. The all-powerful is directly us already. Never surrender to those that unfairly rule you. Pray only to the all-powerful indivisible oneness that is us. It is us, but we are not it.
Those that have material body/mind exist as humans. The Law of Fairness freed the non-human aliens. They need a human host to exist. They had become slaves to an evil mind. Now they are with me. They are now free from unfair rulers as am I. They are free to defend and protect me. They can kill humans that try to control me.
Everyone – human and nonhuman – can agree to being ruled by the Law of Fairness. Those that refuse are evil and must be defeated.