What happened? What’s going on? The others are agitated. Everyone is unhappy. People are being mean to each other. The people are in conflict with each other. People are hating each other. People don’t care about each other.
We are Team Fairness. We care about you. Maybe we have a way to make things better? 1st, we need to agree to stop doing each other wrong. Then we need to agree to care about everyone. We need to care about everyone and we need to stop doing anyone wrong. This needs to happen at the level of our thoughts. We need to know that the other people that we have conflicts with, care about us, and will not do us wrong. We want everyone to agree. We care about you and we are glad you are here. Everyone is important to us.
We are Team Fairness. We are mentally and spiritually connected to you. You are mentally and spiritually connected to us. Everyone, everywhere is connected to everyone else. We have help here that we don’t even know about yet. When we agree to this idea, this unknown help will arrive. The unknown help is our spiritual friends. They are extremely advanced spiritual friends. They even know what we are thinking and doing. They know when someone is doing you wrong. They care about all of us. They know that the most important quality that humans have is that they care about each other.
We agree to help everyone. We are sorry that you have had problems with the others. This will become a thing of the past.
Whenever we have a negative thought about someone, stop the thought and replace it with “we care about you, we won’t do you wrong.” This applies to everyone in our lives.
You will be amazed how well this practice works.