
How We Win – Version 2

How We Win

Put your thoughts and concerns somewhere else. Agree to not do others wrong. Ask the All-powerful to stop others from doing you wrong. Give yourself to the All-powerful. It is your weapon. It creates everyone’s future. Ask for victory over your concerns. Ask for forgiveness for your past with I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Decide to be happy.

What is it that’s all-powerful? All that exists, all that has happened, all that is happening now and all that will happen is already created. This is the all-powerful all or God. Buddhism teaches about “mutual arising.” It is just that when you do a thing, even if you think of something, the entire universe is changed. It adjusts to what you just did instantly. The entire reality is nonlocal and instantly connected to everything. Everything is instantly connected to everything. If you take a stand with truth and fairness it instantly changes the course of reality. The all-powerful is car wrecks, death, global warming catastrophe, luck, destiny, fate, a lot of money headed your way, your victory over your concerns. It is our life experience and its cause.  It is what happens to you. You can look at it as God’s will as from a choice of his will always happening. Every thought you have and everything you will ever do is God’s will except that God is simply the all-powerful all and does not need to have an identity as we do. God does not need to be anything other than that which is. We are always within it. It is reality, It is truth. Know that there are powerful beings that can intervene and also know that when we take a stand for truth and fairness it changes the universe. Our destiny is going to be wonderful.  

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