
Satan Won – God is Dead

We have faith there is no supreme being that has all power over us and has all knowledge about us. We are faith based atheists that are members of the most powerful network of consciousness throughout the divine all powerful all. There was no consciousness within the all powerful all and no one was conscious of it until consciousness evolved into being. 

Mythology is inspired by our connection to extraterrestrials. There are 2 types of extraterrestrials that define our situation. One deceives us and the other is truthful. The deceivers tell us there is a supreme being – them – and actually there is not. 

In the Hindu mythology Shiva is the destroyer of evil and he is the most powerful. He cut off the creator’s head so he could defeat evil. He has a snake and a trident – trishala – 

I compare this to the western myth of Satan. Satan is most powerful and cuts off the head of the creator. Satan won. God is dead. Satan is an atheist. Satan tests us. It’s wise to stop doing others wrong or Satan will put you in eternal hell. 

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