Is there actually a type of Star Wars going on in our universe – a war between God and Satan – a war in heaven and hell as some religions claim? I think there is based on personal contact with extraterrestrials and earth-based spirits. Whoever has the most power will win this universal war. Perhaps the most powerful beings are waiting for us to unite to win this war here on earth so we can join our extraterrestrial neighbors? I know from my own experience they are here within our minds, and I think they can change our physicality. I think they can even change a human’s appearance. The reason why we can’t detect them is because they are cloaked. Someone tell the scientists. They don’t want us to see much of them. They do not want us to be able to prove they are here. Shhh, it’s a secret.
The most powerful alliance in the universe will include faith-based atheism. We are faith based because we include our subjective non provable experiences. We have faith in advanced extraterrestrials and in the divine mind that evolved from no mind. It is ubiquitous throughout the universe. It is nonlocal. These unprovable experiences are our most valuable experiences. We hope the words that follow will convince everyone to join Team Fairness and/or the Church of Fairness in order to stop the insane unfairness that we all come from.
Believers in Gods can join with us if they agree to the law of fairness. Many claim there is only one God and I claim there is none. Faith based atheism – accepts actual truth. We accept both subjective and objective truth. No one knows the absolute truth. Beliefs that demand we surrender to God or Gods are condemned. We argue that God does not even exist. They do not have the right to tell us what we must believe. They do have the right to demand that we are fair to them. Faith based atheism does not demand you believe anything. We do demand that you be fair to us, and we demand that we be fair to you. The only thing we demand is fairness for all of us and fairness from all of us.
Faith based atheists are the most powerful alliance we know of – based on logic. We believe there will be more and more evidence that atheists are right. The most powerful beings agree to be ruled by the law of fairness. Being fair is the source of our power. We believe as humans become more aware they will become faith-based atheists also. My spirit guide wanted me to make a statement about this most powerful alliance in our reality. The alliance is faith-based atheism. I am quoting my extraterrestrial friend here. We have subjective evidence we are right but faith that it is objectively true. We have faith-based evidence that we do not die because of the beings that are faith-based atheists. They want to prevent us from non-existence upon physical death. This is not about faith in a God we do not believe exists. The divine mind evolved from no mind. Belief in the law of fairness gives us eternal life. Belief in Jesus does not save anyone from hell or from death. Only belief in the law of fairness does this. It is actually a real thing. Christianity stole this idea and so my extraterrestrial friends are not happy with the lie of Christianity. ETs told humans long ago and humans wrongly turned it into Christianity.
Christians are claiming that God is absolute truth. Actual truth is absolute truth and is not dependent on a God that is nonexistent. They falsely claim Jesus is the actual truth and all will surrender to him. All will surrender to actual truth and to the law of fairness but not to a nonexistent Jesus Christ. This is what the most powerful alliance agrees to. Christianity will be replaced by a newer religion as will all religions. Religion has been about tribal warfare more than anything else. The Church of Fairness will be the first religion based on actual truth and fairness. The horrific truth is that most religions are about nationalism and world domination more than they are about actual truth and fairness. Many claim religion is the main cause of war. These types of authoritarian religions demanding the world surrender to them are always going to be problematic for humanity. They keep us in perpetual war.
We insist that everyone surrender to the law of fairness. Beliefs are not as important as this fundamental belief that all must surrender to the law of fairness. It is simply that we want fairness for everyone and from everyone.
Christians claim that Jesus is the law of fairness because they claim God has perfect justice. I argue there is no God. There is only the divine mind that evolved from no mind. Even if Jesus Christ exists, he is not the actual truth any more than anyone else and he is not the law of fairness. Christians claim their God is absolute truth. We argue this is a deception in that God is nonexistent. They want people to believe a lie and thereby take credit for what actual truth does.
Actual truth saves us from hell and death. It is through the law of fairness that all will be saved. There is not a second coming of a person named Jesus Christ. Christians cannot claim to have domination of what is true and not be lying. They lie about this saying they do have dominion over truth. Actually, the truth is condemning them because truth has all power. Truth cannot be made false and false cannot be made true.
This religious deception about their God has all power and is the absolute truth is not just in Christianity. Allah is another example of this. These 2 gods Allah and Jesus Christ make up the majority of the earth’s population. Over half of all humans are in one or the other of these 2 religions. These 2 are at war with each other. They claim that the all-powerful God wants them to be at war with the others that have not surrendered to their God. Jesus is not the god of Islam. Jesus is the God of Christians. Obviously one or both are wrong.
Nonreligeus is #3. These are Secular[a]/Nonreligious[b]/Agnostic/Atheist (from wikipedia) These include spiritual but not religious. Many of these believe in God the all-powerful one. We argue God is imaginary. The #3 group does not believe the truth claims of these 2 most populous religions or any of the other religions. Many of them believe in a God that we argue does not exist. We could make a long list of hard to believe claims made by those that believe in God.
Interestingly it is the people that are knowledgeable about the world and about human biology and psychology that tend to be atheist. This is why faith-based atheists become the most powerful group in our universe with its advanced extraterrestrial species: Unfair species all become extinct. Fairness is the single most important trait that determines if a species progresses past where humans are at now. I believe if humans make the transition to fairness, they will not become extinct and if they fail to become fair, they will become extinct.
It has been claimed that Religions are man-made, and spirituality is God given. I claim that spirituality is of the divine mind because I am a faith-based atheist. We need to distinguish between God and the Divine Mind. The divine mind is a real thing while God is an imaginary thing. What is the divine mind? It is all that agrees with the law of fairness. It is simply that all of us should be treated fairly and none of us are allowed to do anyone wrong. Fairness is subjective but actually real. We argue with each other about fairness from someone else toward us. We get supported by all the fair-minded others. This included my higher power – the fair-minded extraterrestrials. They have the power to exterminate all of humanity. They support faith-based atheism but not belief in an unfair God belief and its group of unfair people that are continually destroying our world with their wars that their imaginary God tells them to fight.
Satanism is an important component in this argument about the most powerful alliance. My objective is to convince the people that all of this God versus evil stuff is actually about fair versus unfair and if we join team Fairness and/or the Church of Fairness to stop unfairness, then humans will save themselves from a terrible future.
About an afterlife of heaven or hell: Fairness is the single most important trait to determine if a human goes to heaven or to hell. Religions claim an imaginary God determines if we go to hell or heaven. They claim they have the right to rule us because their imaginary God tells them to rule us.
It is more important if the human is fair to everyone than what religions the human has been involved with in the past. We could distinguish between fair people in religions as in fair Christians, fair Satanists, fair Muslims etc. Fairness is overlooked in our world, but it should not be. Fairness is the most important ideology of all. Arguments in philosophy, politics and religion would benefit greatly if they used the measure of fairness as our primary purpose. If they would stop overlooking fairness we would be on our way to a very helpful understanding of the problems in our systems of thought and the problems within our society. We have had the cart before the horse by not placing fairness as the main issue of our world. It always has been. This is why in the way of fairness it is the single most important component of all that follows it. Fairness needs to be most important in all of our understandings of human life. After all, the golden rule is about fairness. No one wants to be treated unfairly. If we use the measure of fairness for everything the split of Satanism and Godism is unified into the same measure. The only sin is unfairness. The absurd religious morality with its God wars against the others will end. The tragedy and betrayal we all went through for being human will end. We seek to become happy and successful as humans. Fairness is the key to this. Spiritual joy is hard wired in our brains.
Fairness in child rearing.
They rally around “life is not fair.” The child says that life is not fair, mom said so. Therefore, I can take the most cookies and I can take the lion’s share of the money. The unfair adage that life is not fair so we can do others wrong is being scrutinized at last. Earthquakes are not fair to us, but other humans should be. Earthquakes happen but no one causes them. People that believe there is an all-powerful God that causes earthquakes suffer with why God wills such things. We feel sorry for them. They suffer terribly over a God that we think is imaginary. When humans think they have the right to be unfair to others like their imaginary God there is trouble. They believe their imaginary God decides when they die.
Many humans must be forced into being fair to others for one reason or another. This is why we have developed our laws that rule us. We actually do want justice for all. It is time we demand that unfair people surrender to being fair to everyone. Everyone must surrender to being fair to everyone. This means everyone will be fair to you.
I would like to be able to change the world with fairness. I want to greatly benefit everyone with this idea. When we get back to helping and caring about each other and loving each other we activate the spiritual areas of the brain. Humans evolved this spiritual brain for a reason. It assures our survival. Evolution began with mindless survival until the divine mind happened. Humans and all advanced beings can intentionally develop more fairness in our gene pool. AI can use fairness as its most important metric.
Non faith based atheists are also welcome with us as are skeptics. We have a required commonality in the law of fairness. Fairness assures that everyone will get along with each other. Fairness is the most important trait assuring that we all get along with each other.
The extreme importance of correct thought and behavior to get out of depression.
We have feelings for a reason. We are being told to make some changes to get back to happiness and self-worth. We need to listen to our guilt in order to feel good about ourselves. We have done others wrong, and we have done ourselves wrong. We must stop our own unfairness. We need to activate the spiritual joy within our brains by caring about everyone’s wellbeing. We need to start protecting each other from being done wrong. By making a stand for fairness for all and fairness from all our depression is gone and our happiness begins. This is the good news. This is the way of fairness.