
You Are OK version 2.

You Are OK

I am ok and you are ok. Everything is ok. What we do and what we think and what we experience is ok. How we are and what we are and who we are is ok. When we realize this, we naturally stop doing others wrong and they also naturally stop doing us wrong.

Everything that happens is what we say yes to. It is God’s will. We stop fighting against God’s will. I am an atheist so I can call it the Guru’s will or the will of the all powerful all. You could call it the will of your guardian angel. You could call it the will of extremely powerful benevolent extraterrestrials. It is something you trust to rescue you from harm. It is something that can arrange our future and the future of everyone else. 

Everything is cause and effect. Our life and our future is controlled by higher power – by cause and effect. This fact is irrefutable. The will of the all powerful all is going to happen. It is everything that has happened. It is everything that is happening now. When we are done wrong there are consequences – there is cause and effect. This is what I think karma is. We must realize we are protected from those that do us wrong. 

We can change the world now. We can save the children. We can make it happen. (from Chicago’s song: Dialog parts 1 and 2)

We will be successful in stopping others from doing us wrong. We do not agree with those that teach to leave the world alone and it is us that causes our suffering. They claim that by doing their spiritual practice we will not suffer. We disagree with this. We say no to them. We argue that it is those that do us wrong that cause us suffering that can be stopped by stopping them from doing us wrong.

This is the tricky part. How can we see the world as the divine will and also work toward changing the world at the same time? We explain this as follows: There are 2 principles that create our future. One is fairness and the other is unfairness. We claim that fairness is all powerful. We are completely devoted to serving fairness. We do this to defeat unfairness. Historically this has been explained as good versus evil. We claim it is fairness versus unfairness and fairness is all powerful. Fairness Is all powerful God.

To be continued I need to take a break now. I am writing a book perhaps. I think it wise to share it as I write it. I can rewrite and edit later.

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