
Unjust Justice or Unfair Justice is Not Actually Justice. It’s Unfairness.

Unjust justice or unfair justice is not actually justice. It’s unfairness. Those being unfair to us are doing it right now. They are unfair to us, and we are not unfair to them. They are getting away with it. They are getting away with harming us. We can stop them right now. I am hurting unfair people everywhere now. Right now, I am hurting them. I will continue hurting them until they stop being unfair to me. It is fair that I stop them from being unfair to me. It is not fair that they stop me from hurting them right now for being unfair to me right now. My intention is to hurt them right now and to continue hurting them endlessly unless they stop being unjust to me and to take away everything that enables them to be unfair to me.  I will not stop hurting them until they stop hurting me.

If you agree that we must stop all those doing us wrong from doing us wrong, then I am helping you stop them and you are helping me stop them. Those that don’t agree are our enemy. We will continue punishing unfair people forever. The only way to stop the pain we cause them is to stop doing it to us. They are causing us pain, so we are causing them more pain than they cause us so that they stop putting us in pain. We are making their existence miserable to stop them from making our existence miserable. We have the right to not be done wrong.