The First Question
The first question in philosophy and cosmology is why is there anything? Why does anything exist? I have simplified this to the idea that there actually is nothing at all. There is not anything. Then the question becomes: why can nothing at all appear as this existence? How does it do it? How can nothing be everything? Well, science is in the business of understanding just that. We may never fully understand it.
This notion that there is not really anything created eliminates the notion that there is a God that creates existence. I am a faith-based atheist. I have faith that there is a divine mind. Divine mind exists and evolved from mindlessness via evolution just like we did. I believe our best selves is the divine mind as well as the best selves of all the non-human, non-earth-based forms of life. I have faith that justice/fairness is a thing that will always happen, and it is caused by the divine mind.
This way of belief is not for everyone. It is unimportant what we believe as long as we have beliefs that are fair to others. I believe there is an absolute factual truth to all of this. However, we may never fully understand what the complete actual truth is. I just have faith that it exists.