
If There Is An All Powerful Being, Then It Is Me

I am in agreement that we all count the same if we are fair people and if we are unfair people, we deserve punishment. This means that all fair people are all powerful by our choice to be. This is why I define myself as a faith-based atheist. This means our intention is to defeat all others that are not fair to us. There are no Gods. There are no beings above any other beings. The only way to achieve power that is invincible is with fairness. Fair people protect each other and punish all unfair people. We are at war against unfairness.

There is absolutely no justification for being unjust. We can do what we want. I don’t think there is any God that can stop us. I am a faith-based atheist. If there is an all-powerful God, I have faith that it is me. I don’t want anyone being done wrong by me or anyone else.