
Close to Suicide?

Close to Suicide?

If you are close to suicide pray for their death and destruction. I am a faith-based atheist. I pray to a benevolent universal collective evolved mind network that we are a part of. Maybe there is a God. Maybe there is no God. We know there are benevolent people and there are malevolent people. It is not evil to want evil to die or to be punished for being evil to us. 

We are not vengeful or malevolent. Our way is to totally forgive all those that stop doing us wrong. We are here to help everyone both good and evil. We are here to win. Please join us. Let’s make “The World Fairness Agreement” happen. It is a short document, only about 6 pages long. Pray for world fairness to happen before it is too late. 

We must stop our own evil. Use the Ho’ Oponopono prayer many times a day whenever you have judgmental thoughts. It translates to “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you for forgiving me. I love you.” If the word love is a problem, then say, “I care about you” instead. 

Forgive those that forgive.

I am not a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, but I use the 3rd step prayer many times a day. Here is my way of saying it: 

Because I am unable to solve this problem, I am giving to you all of me. I am asking you for victory over the problem so that I am evidence of your power, your love and your way of life. May I do your will always. 

We believe benevolence is the will of higher power. You may have realized that the God of most religions is not benevolent even though they claim that it is. 

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