
My Comple Victory is Happening.

Those that once tormented me are now telling me they are sorry for doing me wrong. This is a huge victory for me. The people that were gang stalking me from in front of my place have completely stopped their attacks and their torment. There are still a few idiots communicating with me in a non-helpful manner if they are condemned. This torment from humans and from foolish non-human entities is trivial. The helpful entities that connected with me are not with these fools that oppose me. The fools try to make me believe that they are the powerful beings that are helping me. They are lying to me. The fools are still trying to get away with doing me wrong. They try to win me with the falsehood that I am too old to be the only Christ. They try to lie to me telling me I am not going to be the only Christ. The future they are going to experience is going to be unspeakably difficult for them. The powerful beings that are watching them do these wrongs to me know  of all of this unfairness that I am being subjected to by evil humans and evil non humans. As always complete forgiveness is given to everyone everywhere that stops doing me wrong.