
Is The Way of Fairness Destined to Rule the World?

I’ve always felt like someone or everyone can read my mind or something. I had evidence that they can’t read my mind. That’s why I say, or something. In other words, there’s something going on here that I don’t understand. I was told that there is a God that’s all knowing, so therefore he would know all my thoughts and all of everyone else’s thoughts. There is the all seeing eye symbolism. It is on the American dollar. These days I am a faith-based atheist. I explained this strange phenomena with the idea that there are advanced beings that do read human minds. They do know everything we’re thinking if they want to know. I also observed there is a competition for who’s in control of everything. On planet Earth we have various alliances of humans that try to dominate the other alliances. I suspect there is some kind of cosmic similar phenomena taking place. I was told there is a war in heaven. Also, I have heard the idea that there is a war between God and Satan and Satan wants to win and defeat the God people. I was told that Satan actually is God Almighty. The idea is that humans have and that I have heard are various and none of them are probably true. They say truth is stranger than fiction. 

I believe that the human or group of humans that will win in this contest to rule the earth will be the humans that are supported by the most powerful non-human beings or entities that are not from earth. I believe this group of humans is already here. It is The Way of Fairness.