
A New Concept of Spirituality and Awakening That Defeats Evil/Unfairness

It is better to be feared than to be loved – A Quote from Machiavelli. I agree but better still to be feared and loved. We want those that oppose us to fear us and those that support us to love us. 

Our tolerance for those that abuse us has a limit. Our intention is to destroy them.

If You Are Not With Fairness, You Are Against Fairness. 

If You Are Not With Us, You Are Against Us

Man makes plans, God laughs. As an atheist I understand cause and effect to be all powerful. It is fate. It is the unchanging inevitable result and consequence of being unfair. On the other hand, our all powerful destiny from being fair and from uniting against unfairness is unstoppable. 

Unfair Beliefs Result in Punishment. They Will Experience the Consequence of Choosing a God or Power That is Unfair to Us. They could have made a choice that was not selfish.

The Awakened Mind is Powerful. The awakened mind chooses to not create thoughts that cause powerlessness. The awakened mind chooses thoughts that create power. The Awakened Mind is not ruled by others. The awakened mind rules the minds that are unawakened. 

The new area of focus is a more powerful superior awakened mind concept that will defeat evil/unfairness. 

We need a powerful mind to defeat the old school of evil/unfair religions coupled with an awakened mind teaching that does not stop the evil/unfairness. Rather, it teaches to let it be and fix yourself, but not the world. This is why our world is a disaster waiting to happen worse than now.

Whatever you do, never let fear defeat you. You will have only yourself to blame.