
Crazy and Dangerous God Beliefs

Wake Up

You are asleep at the wheel. You must realize what I am telling you here is true. Someone with a crazy unfair God belief is going to kill you or take over your country – making you bow to their God cult. Other people with other Dangerous ideas from their God cult will be at war with the people that took your country over and it will never end until you wake up and join The Way of Fairness. We can get them to agree with us so that some enemy crazy God cult with dangerous ideas creates war in their country. 

Christianity thinks it will get the entire world to bow to its Bible. Islam thinks the entire world will bow to their Quran. Both believe their Scripture is infallible and refuse to give up their cult belief. Both claim their God has all power 

Both of these religions will change and agree to the Way of Fairness when the world unites and demands it.