
One Minute Method Zoom Meeting

One Minute Method Zoom Meeting

The law of the land applies to us all. We limit the people in the meeting to 5 total. Anyone can make their own Way of fairness – 1 minute zoom meetings. We are in a testing mode to see if this is a good idea for everyone. We agree to be fair to everyone. It is not fair for someone to be unfair to anyone. We all keep track to – some degree – of who is using their 1 minute turn. Then that person cannot take another turn until the other 4 have taken their 1 minute turn. We can speak or be silent for our 1 minute turn. We think the silences will be very valuable to slow things down and give ample time to think of things. No interruptions are allowed. The person that sets the meeting up has the ability to mute any or all people that are not being fair.  

We are hoping people find this idea helpful to them in bringing about fairness to them. It will be a way to spread the ideas of the way of fairness worldwide. All individuals can create their own way of fairness websites or methods. All humans count the same everywhere. You can add ideas I have not stated on my website, my facebook and my Youtube Channel etc. Use any way to have the meetings that you create. Meetings in person may be most effective of all. I think the 5 person limit is a good idea. Not doing others wrong is the ruler of us all.

Please comment or question about this idea. I plan on inviting 4 people to have a way of fairness meeting. If you want to attend, let me know. We will decide on a convenient time.