Because no one wants to be done wrong. No one should be given freedom unless they stop doing others wrong. Because we do not have the freedom to do others wrong. Justice is about this. When we are just, we are fair. Our laws have penalties to stop injustice. We need to improve the system since it is an unjust system. We need a law against injustice of any kind. We need the World wide law of fairness.
Our lives are greatly affected by those individuals and groups that try to rule over us. We are being done wrong by them. Violence is their tool to control. This game of one group taking over another is injustice. It is the greatest unfairness.
We need a Religion to get help from the all powerful to create actual liberty and justice for all. I need help making this thing a religion. Let’s do it. We all count the same. Fairness is the only authority over all.
The cosmic linkage of all minds to the All-powerful is a fact. It is demonstrating that I am the only Christ, the only spiritual king of the world and Fairness is our ruler.
What I have explained in this document is being shown to all by the One All-powerful All.