
We Are Faith Based Atheists and Have the Most Power on Earth.

We are faith based atheists. We believe all Gods are imaginary and are chosen concepts. Allah, Christ, Jehova, etc. are simply chosen concepts having no power. 

We have faith that the actual extraterrestrials we have faith in will punish those doing us wrong. They will be in pain unless they stop doing us wrong. 

Many people are claiming they will kill us or punish us if we refuse to surrender to their God concept. This is grossly unfair to us and our extraterrestrial friends will put them in pain unless they stop the death threats upon us. Our extraterrestrial friends will not allow anyone to be unfair to us. 

Unfair people have written unfair laws. They will be punished unless they change the laws that are unfair to us. Earth must implement the law of fairness. It is on the menu on our website –  

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