
The Way of Fairness is Cosmic in Scope

Only various networks with no permanent God at the top. You can disagree. These networks are not only human powered but have connections to extraterrestrials. Of these extraterrestrials we can say very little. They are largely unknown. They are what is beneath the power of Gods. Here is a list of some of them:

  1. Mother Nature
  2. Christianity
  3. Islam
  4. Judaism
  5. Hindu
  6. Political Governments
  7. The Way of Fairness

This is my faith based atheist perspective. You may disagree with me.

I am the inspired founder of the Way of Fairness. The network of The Way of Fairness has faith in the Way of Fairness to become a cosmic ruling authority. We are allied with extraterrestrials. We will implement the World-Wide Law of Fairness that may also include other extraterrestrials from wherever?  We are making an agreement with the less fair extraterrestrial as described by The Law of Fairness on the menu. It applies to more than humans. 

I have been working with extraterrestrials telepathically and from informative dreams/visions. Humans in agreement have merged ideologically with the extraterrestrials that guided me to create the ideology of the way of fairness and the law of fairness. Actually they are 2 sides of one coin.   

The networks above will need to join the Way of Fairness network instead of fighting against us. More an more war, poverty, hatred and destruction of climate will continue until we all agree with “The Way of Fairness” 

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