
The Path to Happiness Join Us to Stop Unfairness to You.

Stop doing people wrong. Stop trying to get away with things. Stop thinking wrong of people. Never think they have some wrong attributes like clothes, skin color, face, hair, nose or belly etc. Instead of judging, think that everything about the person is good. If someone has large ears, think good ears, good face, good clothes, etc.

I also think or define everything you see and do as being good. It is a good day. That is a good sky, a good road, good people, good trees etc.

Never use anger to get what you want. Instead get yourself a higher power that will protect you from others doing you wrong. When someone does you wrong, enjoy the fact that they will get taught a lesson by your higher power. If you have done those above practices of goodness, then you will qualify for a higher power that protects you from the wrongs of others. If you’re still doing wrong to others, you do not qualify.