
The Great Reward for Practicing The Way of Fairness

Practice This Method.

Have faith in the Way of Fairness. Have faith everything will turn out good. It is very important to have faith to destroy fear, indecision and paranoia. Fear leaves us when we choose to have faith. Indecision leaves us because either choice will be good with faith in the choice we make. Paranoia or worry about possible bad outcomes leaves us when we choose to have faith. With the choice of faith, we can stop the obsessive thinking. It is best to not think so inspiration can enter our mind. Keep your mind free of thoughts. We need to be listening instead of thinking all the time. When we choose faith, everything is arranged for us. Something good will happen again and again.

Don’t judge negatively. Some people are different from you but never do them wrong. Stop doing all others wrong in thoughts and actions. Be fair to everyone. Care about everyone. 

You will realize that because you are human you don’t have that ability. We make mistakes. All of us are like this. We need to surrender (Our ego must lose and surrender)

We are surrendering to the one authority over all of us. It is actual truth. Ask for help.

We agree to have faith in every situation that bothers us.

We agree to protect everyone around us.

We agree to not do wrong to anyone.

We agree to not think wrong of anyone.

We agree to not judge others but to see everyone as good with nothing wrong with how they are.

We agree to not dominate or attempt to dominate others.

We agree to not retaliate when someone does us wrong. Instead, we ask our higher power to retaliate for us if needed, or to stop them from doing us wrong. (Use common sense, sometimes we are in danger and must take action.)

Here are the rewards for doing this method.

We will be granted victory over all.

We will be granted extreme joy.

We will be granted extreme peace of mind.

Our past is totally forgiven and we will not be punished for it. 

We will be granted protection. Our thoughts will be protected from unfair people. 

We will be granted secrecy and privacy in our minds.

There’s one authority over everyone. It is not you or I, it is us when we are all united in the way of fairness. It is the others that we surrender to. We surrender to everyone in order to serve everyone. We surrender to the authority of all of us completely so that it protects us. We don’t care what you call it. You can call it God. You can call it Satan. You can call it anything you want. It is the actual truth. It is the world authority. It protects us from those that do us wrong. Everyone that’s doing us wrong will be punished. Everyone that is not doing anyone wrong to the best of their ability has this same power of protection given to them. 

Invite everyone to join us. We want everyone to join. This is the right thing. This is the most right thing to do. The is the most beneficial and the highest awakening. This is the highest enlightenment. Our ordinary logic – our ordinary common sense knows this. This saves the world from destruction.

More rewards are explained in “The World-Wide Law of Fairness Agreement” It is listed on the menu.

Read and this post daily to bring about fairness in your world. Practice this new way of thinking always. Replace the old way of thinking with this way of thinking.

2 replies on “The Great Reward for Practicing The Way of Fairness”

This is very helpful for all people I would suggest though that instead of secrecy we use security. It feels more open and honest. Also emits the higher conscience vibration we are all wanting!

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