
I am the Only Christ.

What we have happening is not Justice. The Law of Fairness Agreement (see menu) is the path to justice for all and justice from all. What we have happening now is a racket for wealthy, powerful people to make more money while the people plead for justice from them as they greedily compete to stay in power. I am the only Christ. AA is Not Good at Stopping the Wrongdoing Causing Global Warming. They Step on My Toes. My Higher Power is Retaliating for Me.

AA is not good at stopping the wrongdoing of global warming or economic wrongdoing of greedy capitalism. These are modern day issues.

We stepped on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate. Republicans are still stepping on our toes. The world did us wrong and still is doing us wrong and the wrong doers are in the AA meetings. They stole my red guitar. They did not give me the shirt. 

They are blaming individuals. They will die. Everyone receives their fate. All those guilty people are in shame. Guilty religions and guilty governments and guilty people are stepping on our toes. 

They are destroying the climate and creating terrible homelessness and poverty. 

No one is steering the boat we are in and it is headed for a reef that is dead and bleaches out from hot water. All of us are in the hot water of our fate. Hang on because the impact and the disaster are unstoppable now. 

The way of fairness is the only thing that will turn the bout back out to safe water. 

They are being punished more and more. They won’t die. They will continue being punished until they make amends. Even their deaths will not stop their punishment.

Read page 62 from AA Big Book.

Our Fate is being handed to us. It is unstoppable. This moment is inevitable and what happens tomorrow will be inevitable. We are powerless to stop what will happen next. It is inevitable. We are on the wrong track and headed for disaster.

The Way of Fairness is the track we need to be on, but we are not and so the disaster in here. It has begun and it will get worse and worse until we are all directed by the Way of Fairness.

Planet earth went wrong. The liars say I do not understand. No, I do understand, and the liars do not understand. Liars lie. That is what they do, and the destruction of earth is their fault. The liars are powerless. The power is in the actual truth that they avoid.

Evil people are stopping the Law of Fairness Agreement from happening and they lie about what they did to me. They try to cancel me and that is their own destruction.

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