
Would the real Satan Please Show Up? There is Not One.

The one that claims to be Satan is telling me she is scared. She is my friend at times but then when I am almost to the power of the entire world/universe she starts doing this routine telling me she should have supported me all along instead of supporting others that are no in a more powerful successful position. At this point I am not her friend, I am the alleged Satan’s enemy. Some of the people call this one their Lord. They claim it is Jesus or Judas or some such imaginary character. 

You need to understand that this post is a response to the post directly below it. That post resulted in the one claiming to be Satan to appear telepathically in my mind. I suspect it is an alien. Possibly it is a collective human mind manifestation. Now they are saying there is something I should know about. I disagree. The past is not relevant to the establishment to of The World Human Fairness Agreement. Now the one mind is talking about destroying the church. I disagree. We just need The World Human Fairness Agreement. We do not need to destroy anything or anyone. Everything just needs an update. We need to stop the opposition to The World Human Fairness Agreement