
Alien and Human Interaction – What We Saw Happen is not What Happened

What We Saw Happen is not What Happened

This is a faith based document. There are aliens that have access to our minds. They can plant thoughts. They can make us see something that is not from our senses. What we see is only in our mind. Our eyes use the actual true light that bounces off something or someone. Our eyes use this accurate data to make our minds image. Aliens can make an image in our minds that is not from the sense data that our eyes detect. They can make us think that a person changed form or that something is there that actually is not there at all. We only think it is. Our reality can become quite different from the actual world out there. 

Aliens can make a totally different world that only exists in our mind. This explains alien abduction experiences. It explains UFO’s. But what about the radar data and the videos of the UFO’s. Well they have complete control of minds and our material world. Perhaps they can create an object – a UFO – and it appeared out of vacuum energy. 

They are testing us to see if they can corrupt us. Good Luck.

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