
Faith Based Atheism – The Way Things Actually Are.

The problem with skeptical atheist is that they require objective evidence for their beliefs. They are throwing out all of our subjective but not provable experiences.  They are throwing out all of the positive aspects of religion.  We think there is actual instruction and actual revelation given to humans in many religions. There actually is a universal mind that we can be devoted to.  We don’t think that it’s the creator of the physical reality that the minds emerged from.  The skeptical atheist is like people that find out half of their money is counterfeit and so they throw away all of their money to solve the problem.

Faith based atheists are devoted to the one universal mind of the all-powerful all. We want to become the most powerful force there is.  Faith-based atheists continually update their beliefs to align with the best evidence we have of actual truth.  We believe there is an actual truth. We believe that devotion to the one universal mind is the only way to solve our predicament of being. It will not help those that do not surrender to it.  We think religions are right in their belief that humans must be surrendered and devoted to a higher power other than themselves. All individuals must realize that they need help from others. A person asking for help is not in control of those that assist. We surrender to receive the help. 

If this system of belief becomes the belief that saves humans from destruction it will therefore be a very special entity, alliance and religion. Yes, we intend on becoming the religion and support group that saves us from suffering and defeat. This is our path to victory. 

We all count the same. We protect each other. We honor each other. We care about each other. We help each other. We support each other. 

We practice the ideas of the way of fairness.  We want to manifest the World Human Fairness Agreement ASP. We are an exclusive group although you are a member when you say you are.

It is the responsibility of all of us to correct any false beliefs and unfair ideas or practices. Fairness is our only leader.

All of our difficulties are resolved by the universal mind of the one all-powerful all. It is described this way for accuracy. In other words, we are atheists. Non-mind physicality is fundamental. Mind came from a no mind physical universe. The no mind universe is prior to and fundamental to the universal mind that includes all minds. Our reality is real only as this undivided oneness. This is called non locality. From individuality reality is an illusion or perhaps delusion. This is the delusion of the ego.

We do not want irrational beliefs in our mind. This is why we exclude those that believe in God and those that do not surrender to the universal mind of the all powerful all. For us the argument is over. We are the only group devoted to the actual truth of the way things actually are.

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