
We Are the Church of Steven Childs. We Defeat Evil. No One Gets Away with Doing Us Wrong.

No one is allowed to do others wrong. Fairness is required from all of us. The most powerful of all is agreeing with me.

Judas tried to stop me. Judas is being unfair and will be punished. Judas is a network of people. They try and they die – or worse. We have power over them. I think Judas is a myth as is Jesus. They do not exist. They are not real. Mythological beings are not real. Actual truth is real.

It is being revealed that I am the only one with a way to defeat evil. Humans must surrender to defeating evil in the way that I have or they will all suffer. I have taught the way to defeat evil. It is the Church of Steven Childs. We are a religion. 

We are faith based atheists that are going to convince all people to establish the world human fairness agreement. This will happen. Tell this to everyone. 

We believe actual truth has all power. You will surrender to it or be destroyed by it. I declare war on everyone that has not surrendered to actual truth. 

Join the Church of Steven Childs for your personal victory. Any one opposing me will be destroyed by actual truth. Everyone that joins me will have complete success and victory. 

I have a job to do. I am to defeat evil. You can too. Join us. Faiths without actual truth cannot ever win. 

Narcissism thinks it gets to do us wrong. It fights us when we begin the process of stopping it. It tries to defeat us. It will surrender to us or be punished by the most powerful of all. We do not even know what it is. I am not crazy. Those that oppose me in defeating evil are crazy.