
Qualify for Mercy and Forgiveness

We Have Agreed to Not Do Others Wrong

This qualifies us to ask for protection and victory over those that do us wrong. It is happening for us. We know it is true. The most powerful of all is on our side. 

Repeat the affirmation: 

We agree to be fair to all. We ask for victory and protection. It happens. It happens. It happens.  

You can use “It Happens” repeatedly as long as you want to stop other thoughts. Knowing what it means. We do not need to respond to others around us unless we choose to. We are being protected from them.

Those that do others wrong will not get forgiveness or mercy until they deserve it. We must qualify for forgiveness and mercy. We must qualify for victory and protection.

Remember our purpose – to convince everyone to join us – The World Human Fairness Agreement. When this happens, our future will be secure and 1000 times better than ever before.

The old way of tolerating and forgiving unfairness is a disaster that is getting more and more tragic.