
We Don’t Defeat Evil. We Use “The Way of Fairness” plan.

To defeat evil we don’t defeat evil. We use “The Way of Fairness” plan.

Evil is Unfairness. That is all there is to it. We are The Way of Fairness and here is our offer to evil/unfairness. 

Evil/unfairness by its very nature must force everyone into submission. It must dominate all. Some of us are not controlled and so evil fights us. Evil must keep us in a state of not knowing what evil does. There is a continuous battle between the 2 sides. 

The way of fairness is the best way to compromise with evil/unfairness for a win/win.  

The way things are now we fight each other. We could be protecting each other instead. 

Evil/unfairness has secrets that it keeps hidden with evil/unfair threats on anyone trying to find out these secrets. 

“Way of Fairness” does not want the secrets exposed. It would cause too many suicides. It would cause chaos. It would cause a huge fight and many deaths.

Everything stays secret, if the evil/unfair things are stopped from continuing. “Way of Fairness” agrees to not know or to not find out the secrets.

Everyone chooses to stop doing others wrong and to not be unfair to others in order to get the deal from “Way of Fairness”  

Way of fairness has a better chance of keeping it all secret than evil/unfairness itself does because the fight is over to defeat evil/unfairness. We only want a compromise. No one will need to worry about being defeated. 

Way of fairness is about total forgiveness of the past for those that join us. There is absolution and exoneration for all of our past. Everyone is let off. 

People that have an interest in keeping things secret and in absolution and exoneration will want the way of fairness agreement to happen. 

The idea of the “Way of Fairness is to keep secrets secret and protect evil/unfairness instead of destroying it and exposing it. Evil/unfairness only needs to make the agreement with “Way of Fairness.” This is the deal we offer.