
Evil People Pray for Power to Do Others Wrong. We Must Defeat Them.

I have heard of people praying for their suffering from their guilt of doing others wrong, to be removed from them. They ask to not have a conscience. Then they fight against anyone that tries to stop them from doing wrong to others. They begin to think they are right to do others wrong. They form alliances like gangs or cliques, and they want their gang to rule all. They think they can do anything they want without consequence or to be able to defeat the consequence so as to continue doing wrong to others. 

There is a huge difference between people wanting to stop doing others wrong and those wanting to continue doing others wrong. This becomes a fight between the 2 groups. The selfish group is evil. The group that has the most power will win. I can defeat evil. I am a faith-based spiritual atheist. I have faith that the only sin is unfairness. I have faith that the Gods are imaginary. I have faith that the most powerful extraterrestrials create hell for those that do others wrong. 

Here is how to defeat evil both inside us and outside us. Never let anything go. Turn it over to something bigger than us to solve for you. I find it necessary to defeat all adverse types of thought that appear in my mind from myself or others. We need to get rid of our own thoughts and telepathic thoughts from others when they are harmful to self or others. We need to stop thinking. Get rid of the mind that thinks. Our brain is not our mind. Our brain keeps us alive. We need to kill the mind to kill the thinking. We need to achieve complete no mind, no thoughts. This results in a no identity, no ego state of being. We have no mind. We are not trying to do anything in this state of mind. We are not fighting against anyone. We can do this for 10 seconds, 10 minutes or 10 hrs. This is the no thoughts side of the coin. Next is the thought as the action side of the coin.

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need the power to stop them. We need to find a way. Here is the way. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us wrong. We don’t judge others, rather we protect others. We protect everyone. We do not need to stop wrongdoers ourselves because the most powerful of all will do it for us. We can defeat all wrongdoers with these simple thoughts: Now I am your enemy. I will not let anything go. It’s time for you to leave. If you do me wrong in any way, you will be punished. I am not going to hurt you. The most powerful one will hurt you.