
The Way of Our Victory

The Way of Our Victory

Years ago, I stopped drinking. I am a recovered alcoholic. I had deep wounds from my childhood. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous as well as many other ideas and practices eventually lead to a major relief from the wounds from childhood that continue to happen on a daily basis. The people of the world and the way the people do things is very painful. People are very unfair to each other. There are unfair religions. There are unfair economic systems. There are unfair groups of people with unfair individuals that want to hurt us. We seek relief from the pain of being.

I am a faith-based atheist. God’s beliefs are a major source of my wounds. I will need a power greater than all the God beliefs.

The relief comes from a 2-sided sword. This sword is powerful. The first side of the sword is that I must stop doing others wrong. I must stop being part of the problem and become the solution.

The other side of the sword is to stop the world from hurting me. This involves the 3rd Step Prayer of Alcoholics Anonymous. The book says to use your own words as long as the idea is conveyed. I am a faith-based atheist so I do not use any God concept. I use what I call the “universal mind of the all powerful all. Most of the material universe is mindless but destructive to us. The Universal mind includes all the best selves of all the extraterrestrials of reality as well as our own best self. Oneness is a fundamental aspect of reality. This is taught by spiritual ideas as well as scientific ideas.

The 3rd Step Prayer as is:

The Third Step Prayer God, I offer myself to Thee- To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always! Alcoholics Anonymous

I will interpret it my way as follows:

I became willing out of desperation and out of hope to give all I am to the Universal Mind. This gets rid of the self-bondage problem.

I give every single difficulty I have to the universal mind to fix. I am asking for victory over the world. I want the world to change so it no longer harms me. I must also change so I no longer harm others. This means the religions must change and the economic systems must change, and all the individuals must change so no one is doing me wrong. I ask for the wrong doers to be punished so that they change their evil ways – me included. It has been wisely stated that we are our own worst enemy.

This is the highest most and most powerful – it is the all-powerful. It can defeat all of us. It can also protect and give victory to all of us. This is the way of the highest love for each other. This is the highest way of life.

This is working extremely well. Every time I hear of an issue of the world that is problematic, I give myself and the issue to the most powerful Universal Mind. I know the issue will be changed from harmful to helpful.

There is no God or religions or governments or person or group of people that can stop this miracle from happening for me. When I am completely surrendered to this way, I have all power. I have victory. 

I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Boy, are they ever going to get taught a lesson!