
Team A Versus Team B

  Team A tries to dominate, control rule team B. Team A will lose. Team A must surrender and ask Team B for help. 

I can still taste and smell the bacteria disease. I think evil people give me the experience. I am asking for victory over team A. 

The ideal is that bad people on team A become good people that no longer try to defeat Team B. Team B. is not trying to dominate, it only wants Team A to stop. Team A wants help. Team A needs to stop. This is the help for Team A. Stop trying to dominate, control rule team B

Team A wants to get rid of Team B. so it does not tell it the truth that Team A is the problem. 

Stop trying to dominate and control others. Why are you doing it? Protect others instead. 

Team A. is trying to get away with doing Team B. wrong. Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong. 

Both teams must agree to not do anyone wrong.