
Stay Free from the Control of Others.

It is important to fast from thoughts – to fast from responding or paying attention to the other minds. They have bad intentions. They only want to stay in control of me. They want to be able to tell you something that you should do or think. They want you to pay attention to what they say. They want you to listen to them. They want to tell you what to do or what to think and not think. They want to tell you what to feel and not feel. It becomes obvious that they just want to control you. 

They can’t stand it when you’re not paying attention to them. They wait for the next opportunity to get you under control. They want you to surrender to their God. They want you to surrender to their laws. They may tell you that they won’t let you do what you want. 

This is a good video describing them from YouTube. Royal We

Most people are under their control and are believing the drama of lies and threats. Let them be in the parade of fools. Stay out of it. Do not want anything from anyone. Stay away from them. They are under control. You can be in their vicinity while you’re staying away from them in your own mind.