
Humans Have the Words STUPID and Evil Written on Our Collective Forehead. Humans are Lunatics, Losers! Fuck You!

This is what I am saying to the most powerful, the most important humans. The ones that defend their way of life and their beliefs. The ones in control of things.

They are destroying my world, my home. They try to resolve the past that is gone. They bring up things. They do all kinds of things accept the one thing that will save us. The World Human Fairness Agreement is a very workable remedy to the extreme destruction that is already beginning to happen. It resolves the past into irrelevance. Read this again and think about it and then you will need to support the idea and share the idea with everyone. You will need to let everyone know you want it to happen ASP. You will need to join with the worldwide movement to let the governments, the United Nations and the religions know that this is what all of us want. If we don’t make this agreement happen, we are going to destroy ourselves. We all need to agree to not do others wrong anymore. 

I try to make myself feel better by accepting that humans are getting what they deserve. They are destroying their own home, the earth is being irreparably damaged, at least for a long long long time. Humans may not be able to continue. It might be doomsday for all humans. This is what the foolish, selfish hardheaded humans deserve. 

I am trying to see this from a non-feeling point of view. This is just so much cause and effect. These things happen. It is not their fault that they are the way they are. I am having a hard time accepting that they are not implementing the World Human Fairness Agreement. There is nothing to it, but to do it. But they are not doing it. It is like the totality of the human species is sleep walking off the edge of a cliff with their eyes wide open. We all have the word STUPID written on our forehead. Most are believing in a God that does not exist. They think the nonexistent God is going to save them from their own stupidity.

I don’t know what else I can do or a say? If I think of something I will try it.