
Faith Based Atheism. We Will Always be Ruled by Law. Who’s Law?

A War of Ideas

How sure are you that there is a God that created creation. I am almost certain there is not. I am almost certain the creator is the creation, and it has no creator. The creation is the only creator. Creation has law and is law. I call it the law of justice for all. Law is creation and rules creation. It is cause and effect.

I am a faith-based atheist. I am almost certain God is an imaginary explanation of why creation happened.

I have faith there is an afterlife. I have faith that unfair people will go to hell. I have faith in justice for all. I think my extraterrestrial friends are the cause of heaven and hell and our afterlife.

I say all Gods, beliefs, and all faiths must be fair to all. I have faith I will be empowered to establish my desire. They must have justice for all at their foundation. No one is above the law. No one is the law. The law of justice for all has all power. Justice for all is in charge.

There has always been law and there always will be law. The law I am talking about is reality itself. We will always be ruled by law.

Beliefs that are based on actual truth have the most power and they will prevail and replace beliefs that we find out to be falsehood. It is that which has the most power that wins the war. The war determines who rules us and establishes what beliefs are unacceptable. It is not acceptable that scriptures tell people atheists are fools and that fearing God is wisdom and that if you do not believe in God, you will be sent to hell with 100’s of curses.

When our beliefs do not match factual truth, we create a hell of our own making. This is what humans are doing now. If God is imaginary, the belief in God will disappear one day. It is totally determined by what is true. If God is a fact, we will find evidence, and everyone can then believe it.

Someday our laws for humans will be laws of justice for all. Right now, justice for all is defeating the human laws. There are revolts, coups and insurrections. We have many wars to determine which law will rule us. It is karma or cause and effect that is defeating human law. It is because humans do others wrong. This is why the laws are unfair too.

The human laws are not at all fair to everyone. They were written from ignorance. They did not realize what would happen. They have been corrupted by greedy humans. They were created by greedy humans in the first place. We can do better than this.

The winner of the war will write the new laws and change the laws that rule us now. The “World Human Fairness Agreement” is a better foundation for laws for humans than the laws we have now. The winner of the war will rewrite the laws however they choose. Everything is about who and what rules us. This is about who has the most power.

I am in a war to establish justice for all worldwide. You are invited to join me. First of all, we need the “World Human Fairness Agreement.”