
Do you want to see terrible destruction? Stay Tuned! Life and death are only a game.

Do you want to see terrible destruction? Stay Tuned! Life and death are only a game.


Is it that they just want the lies to win so that the truth of things can be ignored?

Is it that they just want the lies to win so that the truth of things can be ignored – knowing they won’t get caught so they won’t be punished for their lies. This is why we need my idea on my website. If they surrender to being fair, nothing will happen, they are forgiven […]


Stop Doing Us Wrong Or You Will Be Destroyed!

The only thing wrong with people is that they do people wrong. This will destroy them. I stand against those that won’t stop doing me wrong – whoever they are. I hope for their destruction unless they stop.  We need to make a stand against everyone that does us wrong unless they stop.


YouTube – Judas and Jesus May Not Be Real, but the Aliens Playing Their Role Are.

What is the cause of our fighting and how to stop it.


Let’s Live in a World Where Religions, Governments and People Are Fair to Each Other.

The Law of Fairness. It’s in the menu. Stop the unfairness. Judging and scapegoating individuals is idiocy. It will not stop the problem of people doing wrong to each other. We will need to get everyone to understand this. We need a law against unfairness.


YouTube – Imagine Musk Joins The Way of Fairness.


I Am Hoping for The World of Fairness

Nothing else will do.


If We Just Knew the Right Way. To All People That Care About Our Future.

If we all just knew what the right thing to do is. If we just knew the right way.  We do know! Fairness is the way. Stop all people from doing wrong to others. This is the guiding light. This is the north star. This is the way to defeat the evil that is destroying […]


Alien and Human Interaction – What We Saw Happen is not What Happened

What We Saw Happen is not What Happened This is a faith based document. There are aliens that have access to our minds. They can plant thoughts. They can make us see something that is not from our senses. What we see is only in our mind. Our eyes use the actual true light that […]


A Way to Make it Stop

It’s not OK to do others wrong. It’s not OK for the government to do the people wrong. It’s not OK for the people to do the government wrong. It’s not OK for religions to do the people wrong. It’s not OK for one group of people to do another group of people wrong. It’s […]