
Would You Tell the Person That Has the Instructions to Save Your Life to Shut Up?

Does anyone really want me to stop teaching this? Would you tell the rescuer to slow down or would you tell the rescuer to hurry up please. The person that dies if I don’t teach this might be you? Maybe Glenn Beck needs to hear my instructions to save his life? Hurry Glenn, read my instructions.

I have been hearing telepathically that someone is going to die because of the God conflict – because of the conflict of ideologies – because of unfairness. They mentioned Glenn Beck in relation to this.

Do you have gas? Republicans want gas. Farts are gas. They can be fart propelled and blow it out their ass. Gas is in the tires unless someone let it out.

Can’t you smell that bad ass? It is not me. But the liar says it is me. The liars are mine. Everything is mine. One claim leads to another claim. I have already posted the instructions to be granted victory in the same way I was given victory over all. There is One All Powerful All that I surrendered to. Now I am on the winning side. There is only one side to surrender to -the outside. I am the powerless inside. The outside has me surrounded. I am powerless over it. It will give you victory if you give all of you to it. Serve it and protect it. It is everybody.

I want everyone to stop doing me wrong. I want everyone to stop disrespecting me. I must do the same for you. I don’t want to be done wrong and the all-powerful all may end your life to stop you.