
When We Are the World Rulers.

I will be the same as everyone else. Any individual or group not agreeing to be fair to everyone will be locked in a small cell in solitary confinement until they agree to be fair to everyone. This is the only allowable penalty for being unfair. No other punishments will be allowed. This punishment is the same for everyone. Anyone that tries to complicate this is being unfair. No one wants to be done wrong. It should not ever happen. Repeat offenders will not be released from solitary unless we can believe the unfair person. Lying about agreeing to be fair will not be tolerated.

The reason the powerful ones made me world ruler is because of the idea for fairness or solitary confinement and because I am the same as everyone else. This means that everyone is the ruler that agrees to be fair.

Creation of human fairness worldwide is my only concern.