
We Know True from False

What do you know? Do you know that false is not true? Generally, people call things that are true facts. A fact is something that’s true. Some facts are important and other facts are not important. The fact, like how your furniture is arranged, is unimportant. It’s important to you, but it’s not important to all the people on planet Earth. Planet Earth is a more important fact because we depend on planet Earth to stay alive. Imagine there are 10,000 other worlds where there are people that have things important to them, but planet Earth is not that important to them. Their own planet is important to them. It is what keeps them alive. It’s important to us that we have something supporting us so that we can stay alive. 

There are many unimportant facts, like how many coins are in your pocket or what color your shirt is. These are just trivial facts that they’re not very important in the big scheme of things.  There are all of the things that are facts about planet Earth, where all the people are, what their names are.etc. There are the facts of where all the trees are located on planet Earth. These are all small facts. So what is the big fact of all? The fact of all, that is? It is a fact that there is all that is. There is a fact to the whole thing. It is true and it is not false. There is a fact of whether a supernatural God created everything, or whether there is no supernatural God. This is what I call the big fact. This is not going to keep us from getting harmed. It is an unimportant fact in comparison to our own personal survival and personal well being. Each one of us is the most important one. 

So, the fact that’s bigger than the big fact to you personally, is whether there is something that is going to do you harm and how to avoid the harm. Humans don’t know all the facts, and we don’t know exactly how to stop harm from happening to us. Maybe there’s somebody that does know all the facts, or at least a lot of the facts, and they can stop us from getting hurt? 

Most of the harm that happens to humans happens from other humans. Think about that. All humans have selfishness that enables us to hurt others for personal gain. We cause a loss to others and we gain from it. We need to stop selfishness from destroying us. Our planet is being damaged severely. This is a fact that can do us and those that replace us great harm. 

Maybe we should ask for help from someone that might be out there that knows more facts that we do. Someone that can save us from ourselves. Maybe they can hear us asking for help from our thoughts. Mayday! SOS! We can ask them to take away our difficulties.

A story: My difficulty was I didn’t know how to tie my shoes. I prayed for the all powerful to tie my shoes for me. My friend said, “why don’t you just learn how to tie your shoes?” 

I just saw a meme on facebook saying “Do not let the behaviors of others disturb your inner peace.” Well, If the behavior of someone else is that they are hammering you on the head with a hammer, it’s not possible to keep inner peace. You can forgive them as many times as you want, but they’re still going to disturb you when they do it to you again. They are getting away with it. They are going to continue doing you wrong until you learn how to stop them. My friend said, “You’re going to have to learn how to stop them.”  

I am absolutely determined to stop others – all others – from doing me wrong. I agree to completely stop doing others wrong, so I am not a hypocrite.

I do not have the power to do this. I can neither be flawless from stopping myself or others from doing others wrong. I cannot stand existing in this way.

I will do anything to stop myself and others from doing others wrong. I give all of myself to the most powerful ones – to the One all-powerful all – and ask for my difficulty to be removed. I need the power to stop the wrongdoing myself or I need someone to stop the wrongdoing for me. Perhaps I will be empowered by others to stop the wrongdoing myself. Perhaps now it becomes all about punishment and reward. 

I have heard of people praying for their suffering from their guilt of doing others wrong, to be removed from them. They ask to not have a conscience. Then they fight against anyone that tries to stop them from doing wrong to others. They begin to think they are right to do others wrong. They form alliances like gangs or cliques, and they want their gang to rule all. They think they can do anything they want without consequence or to be able to defeat the consequence so as to continue doing wrong to others. 

There is a huge difference between people wanting to stop doing others wrong and those wanting to continue doing others wrong. This becomes a fight between the 2 groups. The selfish group is evil. The group that has the most power will win. I can defeat evil. I am a faith-based spiritual atheist. I have faith that the only sin is unfairness. I have faith that the Gods are imaginary. I have faith that the most powerful extraterrestrials create hell for those that do others wrong. 

Here is how to defeat evil both inside us and outside us. Never let anything go. Turn it over to something bigger than us to solve for you. I find it necessary to defeat all adverse types of thought that appear in my mind from myself or others. We need to get rid of our own thoughts and telepathic thoughts from others when they are harmful to self or others. We need to stop thinking. Get rid of the mind that thinks. Our brain is not our mind. Our brain keeps us alive. We need to kill the mind to kill the thinking. We need to achieve complete no mind, no thoughts. This results in a no identity, no ego state of being. We have no mind. We are not trying to do anything in this state of mind. We are not fighting against anyone. We can do this for 10 seconds, 10 minutes or 10 hrs. This is the no thoughts side of the coin. Next is the thought as the action side of the coin.

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need the power to stop them. We need to find a way. Here is the way. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us wrong. We don’t judge others, rather we protect others. We protect everyone. We do not need to stop wrongdoers ourselves because the most powerful of all will do it for us. We can defeat all wrongdoers with these simple thoughts: Now I am your enemy. I will not let anything go. It’s time for you to leave. If you do me wrong in any way, you will be punished. I am not going to hurt you. The most powerful one will hurt you.