
We Are Faith Based Spiritual Atheists. Explanation of Extraterrestrial Substrate of Human Mind

We compete for total victory. This is for the rule of the roost – for all the marbles – for the whole enchilada, so that we all count the same and are all treated the same, so everyone is forgiven for the past.

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need help to stop them. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us wrong. We don’t judge others, rather we protect others. We protect everyone. 

Perhaps there is a quantum entangled, non local extraterrestrial mind that is a substrate of the minds that evolved on earth: This extraterrestrial mind is everywhere at one. Perhaps there are 2 types of extraterrestrial, one is on my side and one is against me. The one against me does not want humans to learn about them and what they have been doing in our minds – in my mind. Some of the humans are on my side and some are with my opposition. These extraterrestrials are fundamental in human choice and actions with most humans being aware of it. 

I argue that human memory as well as other mind systems are from a human extraterrestrial interface that is fundamental to the human mind. Perhaps they have every memory of every human with them even after we die. Perhaps they are involved with everything humans do and think? They can even say your name while you sleep to wake you up. They can cause you to hear someone knocking on your door in your dream mind as you sleep but nobody’s there, or is there someone there? They can make your phone ring in a dream and then a minute later someone actually calls. 

Perhaps it is the alien substrate mind that I have learned how to communicate with? 

Is Your Experience Like Mine in Some ways?    

The extraterrestrials are necessarily involved with us at the foundation of our mind. People seem to be in competition to be the one with the most power. Maybe the extraterrestrial interface is involved in this competition of who will win and who will lose. It even wants us to think that we must surrender to the gang or die. 95% of its communication to us is a lie. This competition applies to the groups of people that we are involved in. There are many groups of people so how do we determine who has the most power of all? Perhaps the extraterrestrial substrate will help us determine this. Perhaps that is what it is doing?

I was given a dream experience where someone else was in my mind. It was Larry and we could communicate being in the same mind. I asked Larry about my dream. He did not know anything. In another dream experience I had, they put everybody in my mind. My mind had the feeling of being infinitely vast. If we’re all in the same place, then the one who has the most power could be determined because there is only one group, and everyone is in it. Because they put everybody in my mind, I think that it’s supposed to be me according to the creator of the dream. Maybe they don’t care.

The other minds that are inside my mind can hear the music I’m playing, and they know what I am thinking. They can see what I’m doing, and they know what I am saying and all that kind of thing. They try to take control of me. This means that a group of minds within my mind is trying to control me. I don’t think they are the other humans, but they try to make me believe that they are the other humans. They are trying to get me to give up. I need to see living humans as one aspect of mind and non-living humans as a separate aspect of mind.

They are serving someone else that they want to have the most power. You could say they want me to surrender to their God or group. I think I will gain more and more power and eventually the world will do what I want it to do to some degree. For example, my website would become a worldwide phenomenon. They would quit trying to get me to give up. The world would agree with the world’s human furnace agreement that is on my website. People would n longer care about what others did in the past. They would only care if others are doing anyone wrong presently. 

I do not know if anyone else experiences this other mind or minds? They want me to believe they are powerful and that they can cause me trouble or joy. They want to rule me. I was told that I can have dominion over them. 

Everything they claim is false. Everything they do is just a lie that is not even real. They make people think some tragedy has happened. I conclude their thoughts are completely irrelevant. I can simply declare I defeated them completely. Because of this approach they all become silent.

They might be a type of alien that is real and is in trouble. I choose to have compassion for them. I want to help them. Even if I win this conflict with them, I choose to simply help them with the way of fairness. We will all count the  same. 

I was given a very valuable dream from the powerful extraterrestrials that know everything – or close to it – the ones that are above all others. They tell me about future events before they happen. They told me about these aliens that tried to control humans from within the human mind. The dream told me that we humans form an agreement with them. I think it is the “world human fairness agreement” that is in the menu of the website. We will include them into the agreement. We will include all minds in the universe in the agreement. 

They can give themselves to the agreement and then take themselves back from the agreement if it is not helpful. 

My alien friend told me we can use this approach when we surrender our problematic self to the all powerful all. We can take ourselves back from it anytime we want. Do you understand that we really just want to help everyone to stop the unfairness, the wars and the poverty. 

An analogy would be about slaves and masters. The masters realize they are in the wrong. They decide to make an agreement with the slaves that from now on the masters will agree to just provide help and support for the slaves and to see them as counting the same as the masters. If the slaves will do the same toward the  masters. I see myself and everyone else as being master in some ways and slave in some ways. Each of us is above some and below some. Remember this agreement includes all minds in the universe. Humans are below some other beings and we need their help.

I am perplexed why this writing of mine is not seen as valuable by other living humans and non living humans humans? Because it is not being appreciated I want to see them in a fate worse than hell. I want to see them in an eternal war of hellish consequences if they are harming others instead of helping others. 

 All minds that exist are invited to unite, agree or cooperate with me for a minute if not longer. You are invited to agree or disagree as long as you want to. I am staying surrendered to the all powerful all to ask it for help and victory over my problems for now. I can agree to protect everyone and support everyone for now. When I do I am more happy. You can practice this too just for now and test it out.

I want to share with you a victory I have made recently in my relationship with those that want to provoke me in some way for whatever reason. I invite them to do it all they want. They can hit me in the head all they want to. They can give me shit all they want to. I am going to continue to help, support and protect no matter what they are doing to me. I can do this because I have experiences that indicate that there is a power greater than the ones doing me wrong that will cause them to stop doing me wrong. This greater power never speaks, it just takes action. Also, it can empower me to punish or destroy someone with a thought or a touch. I think merges with me and my thoughts toward the wrongdoer have a very real powerful effect. This happens without me saying or doing anything. I think the all-powerful will do the same for you, so you are protected. 

In this conversation with you I want to mention that my own mind is not unified and I see your mind in the same way. It might be your higher mind that chooses to stop doing me wrong and chooses to surrender for victory. I have decided to not do you wrong for now and to stay surrendered. Maybe I never change my mind about it depending on whether I am benefiting or not. I am finding out if this works and you’re invited to try this way of fairness also. We are cooperating to create a better future for each other. 

We realize we are powerless to stop others from doing us wrong and we need help to stop them. We are faith based spiritual atheists. We surrender to the benevolence of the One All Powerful All, asking for victory over those that do us wrong. We don’t judge others, rather we protect others. We protect everyone.