
There has been a fight at Alcoholics Anonymous from the beginning.

There has been a fight at AA from the beginning. If we actually understand the power of AA, we have ceased fighting everything and everyone because our Higher Power does the fighting for us.

It is between the different Gods or higher powers that people have. This parallels the fight in the world in general. I remember a dream I had at a meeting years ago. I was extremely tired that day. I dozed off in the comfortable chair. I went into a dream quickly. I was fighting a person who had a large following of people based on his God that was probably biblical. I was using the horn hand symbol associated with Satanism and he was using a clenched fist. The fighting was simply our hands trying to overpower the other one’s hand. It was a draw. I woke up wondering what the dream was about. 

The weapon, the only weapon at AA is the 3rd step prayer. “Grant me victory over my difficulties” it says. 

The book says, “there is one that has all power, that one is God” Well God is not big enough. I am winning the fight with the One All Powerful All. It is bigger than God. I am an Atheist.

It is Silly for Them to Think They Know What God is. Actually, they do this to rule over others. They do not even believe it themselves.