
The Only Thing I desire is Justice For All.

If your God or ideology is not about equal fairness for all humans, it is not big enough. It will not be able to protect you from the all-powerful all and its ideology of equal fairness for all.

I do not want sexual feelings now and if I get justice, I will have plenty of money and I still won’t want a wife or any sexual feeling at all.

The republican party needs to be destroyed or knocked down to extreme humility. All humans that are part of the decimation of earth ecosystems need to be punished unless they will stop being unfair.

All humans that are not supporting the World Human Fairness Agreement need to be punished until they agree with it. I am asking my extraterrestrial friends to begin the punishment now. Those that agree will not be punished. The extraterrestrials tell me this is my planet. They tell me I am the savior. Argue with them about it. I will believe it when I see them begin the punishment on unfair humans.